Perhaps one of the more common and vexing questions an Executive Director or senior fundraising executive must confront is the seemingly simple question: "Should we rent our donors names to other, qualified mailers?" Making the right decision is made even more difficult if the decision-maker is unclear concerning what the substantive issues are, what the "right" questions are, what the "right" answers are, and what the options for a list owner are. Where to begin? Firstly, most list owners … [Read more...]
NCDC Dimensions: Direct Mail
“Dimensions, a monthly published by the National Catholic Development Conference” We can all agree that the goal of any successful fundraising effort is to make a meaningful connection with the prospective donor, and elicit a positive response….and donation! The means by which we make that connection, and attempt to create a “golden thread” between the fundraiser and the prospective donor is the basis for much debate. Many pundits claim that email is a viable, cost-effective and efficient … [Read more...]